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Dr Claire Wilson

Clinical Psychologist DClinPsych. BSc (Hons), Dip CAT., CPsychol., Accredited EMDR Practitioner
Claimants and DefendantsCriminal CasesHome AppointmentsRemote AppointmentsFace to Face AppointmentsCourt Attendance3+ Patients

Medico-Legal Experience

Dr Claire Wilson is an HCPC registered Clinical Psychologist and has been an Expert Witness since 2012. She has attained the Cardiff University Bond Solon accreditation as an Expert Witness (CUBS certificate). She is frequently instructed on complex clinical negligence and personal injury claims for both Claimants and Defendant. She also has significant experience in Criminal Injuries Assessments and also in workplace trauma, with a specialism in uniformed services including military mental health and PTSD.

Dr Wilson has considerable experience in assessment and preparation of reports in the following areas:

Personal injury relating to:

  • Psychological adjustment and psychiatric injury related to stressful or traumatic events such as road traffic accidents, work-related accidents or medical events
  • Adjustment to physical injury or disability
  • Civil assessment of injury for childhood abuse or victims of crime
  • Workplace stress or trauma
  • Adjustment Disorder
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)

Clinical negligence relating to:

  • Traumatic birth
  • Psychological injury and impact related to obstetric events (including events in pregnancy, traumatic birth, and the post-partum period). Here Dr Wilson can assess both mothers and young children where there is considered to be psychological impact on both parties, such as PTSD, or attachment/developmental trauma or other mental health related impacts. This may also include psychological adjustment for parent or child to disabilities or injuries as a result of these events.
  • Psychological injury related to surgical events including ‘never’ events and cases of alleged or proven clinical negligence
  • Psychological injury related to delayed diagnosis and/or treatment including cancer and diabetes and also misdiagnosis (including wrongful diagnosis)
  • Unsuccessful or unnecessary surgery or medical treatment

Dr Wilson’s appointment availability is 2-4 weeks and she has a report turnaround time of 4-6 weeks.

Clinical Experience

Dr Wilson completed her Doctorate in Clinical Psychology at the Hull York Medical School in 2009, and currently works full time running a busy independent Clinical Psychology practice in East Yorkshire. On qualifying as a Clinical Psychologist, she worked for the first 10 years of her career in the NHS with senior posts in both Adult and Children’s Services. Her first role was within a Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder service offering specialist assessment and therapy to individuals who had experienced multiple traumas and required specialist long-term trauma-focused therapy. These included torture survivors and asylum seekers/refugees (often with use of interpreters); ex-military personnel and other uniformed services such as fire service, paramedics, prison and probation staff and police officers; survivors of domestic violence; traumatic childbirth and childhood sexual abuse. Following this she went on to become clinical lead for a CAMHS/child and adolescent mental health service for Children who are Looked After focusing on attachment and developmental trauma / PTSD with direct child work and work with social workers, foster carers, adoptive parents and providing supervision and training. She has also worked in a staff consultation role and directly with children with challenging behaviour and autism in residential settings.

In her own practice (which was set up in 2012), Dr Wilson now retains 2.5 full clinical days a week specialising in trauma therapy, but working with a wide range of mental health related issues in both adults and children including OCD, anxiety, depression, PTSD and other issues such as adjustment to disability or events related to clinical negligence. She also manages and supervises a team of associates who also provide therapy within the service.

Dr Wilson dedicates the rest of her week to her medico legal practice where she enjoys the balance of applying her clinical knowledge, skills and trauma specialism to the comprehensive, structured and objective assessments required in this field. Dr Wilson has excellent feedback from instructing parties and has many regular referrers on this basis, whether that be for defendant or claimant cases. With experience of this work since 2012 and extensive further training, Dr Wilson has excellent knowledge of the Expert Psychologist role and the attached requirements and expectations. She has found being able to assess both adults and children can be incredibly helpful for instructing parties, particularly in the obstetric field where a more systemic approach can therefore be taken.

She is an accredited EMDR practitioner and an accredited Cognitive Analytic Therapy / CAT practitioner. She has written a chapter on applying CAT to complex trauma populations for the newly published Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Analytic Therapy (Oxford University Press).

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Dr Wilson opine on cases involving children with autism?


Can Dr Wilson opine on cases involving neuro/brain injury?



  • Wilson, C., Glover, L and Acton, M (2009). Barriers to referral: The issues faced in recruiting women to a chronic pelvic pain group. Clinical Psychology Forum, 202.
  • Wilson, C and Crane, C. (2009). Siblings of Children with ADHD, chronic illness and developmental disorder: Psychological impact and interventions. Unpublished doctoral thesis.
  • Wilson, C. (2017) Concepts of the Self, Social Inequality, Culture and Power in reflecting on therapeutic work with Asylum Seekers and Refugees: A Cognitive Analytic Therapy Approach. Reformulation, Winter, pp 44-47.

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