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Dr Devika Colwill

Consultant Psychiatrist MB, BS, MA, FRCPsych, PGcert (CUBS)
Claimants and DefendantsRemote AppointmentsFace to Face AppointmentsCourt Attendance18+ Patients

Medico-Legal Experience

Dr Colwill is a Consultant Psychiatrist with seven years’ experience as an expert witness, primarily working on complex and high-value cases.

She is certified by Bond Solon and is an Inspire Medilaw accredited civil expert witness.

She regularly gives evidence on condition, prognosis, attributable loss, causation, liability and breach of duty in personal injury and clinical negligence claims. She also has extensive experience of Mental Health Tribunal hearings, comprising civil and forensic sections of the Mental Health Act. She is a leading expert in neurodiversity, including conditions such as autism and ADHD.

Dr Colwill is instructed in personal injury, clinical negligence and serious and catastrophic injury cases for Claimants and Defendants in cases associated with:

  • Issues surrounding capacity, such as litigation and finances
  • Spinal injuries (including paraplegia) and associated mental health issues
  • Chronic pain and somatisation disorder
  • Mental Health Act law-related issues including civil sections 2, 3 and forensic sections, including 37 and 41 and interim hospital order 38 and 48/49.
  • Road traffic accidents, including serious and catastrophic injury (excluding serious traumatic brain injury)
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder, with or without mild to moderate learning difficulties, including information processing issues and additional capacity issues
  • PTSD and other trauma/stressor-related disorders
  • Clinical negligence cases involving breach of duty and causation

Dr Devkia appointment availability is 6 weeks and her report turnaround time is 6-8 weeks.

Clinical Experience

Dr Colwill is a general adult Consultant Psychiatrist with more than 18 years’ clinical experience in mental health. She was a member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists since 2009, with an endorsement in liaison psychiatry (psychological medicine). As a mark of distinction and in recognition of her contributions to psychiatry, Dr. Colwill was awarded fellowship of the Royal College of Psychiatrists in 2022.

She is approved by the Secretary of State under Section 12 (2) of the Mental Health Act (1983) as having specialist experience in the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders.

Dr Colwill has served as a lead consultant for high-dependency psychiatric rehabilitation services for four and a half years. This involved responsible clinician role and stepdown care for detained patients from general adult services and forensic services under Forensic sections of the Mental Health Act, such as section 37 and 41 (Restriction Order), as well as civil sections. She was also responsible for the care of patients with Autism and comorbid conditions, which accounted for about a quarter of the patients in the rehab service.

She also provided a liaison service with the complex case review panel and risk panel at Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust. This involved the regular preparation of reports concerning capacity to consent to treatment, capacity in relation to finances and property and criteria for detention, as well as complex case reviews and second opinion reports often spanning decades of information with multiple diagnoses and risks.

In her most recent role as a community consultant psychiatrist, she conducted approximately 350 referral assessments a year for a large catchment area predominantly consisting of patients with mood disorders, psychosis, somatisation and complex PTSD.

Dr Colwill has worked in general psychiatric and forensic stepdown services including community care, crisis and inpatient care, early intervention in psychosis, child and adolescent psychiatric services, substance misuse services, high security forensic services, psychiatric intensive care units, neurodevelopmental and neuropsychiatric services and maternal mental health. She regularly provides teaching, training and presentations at courses and conferences and academic meetings both nationally and internationally.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Dr Colwill cover child and adolescent psychiatry?

No, Dr Colwill will see Claimants from the age of 18+ only.

Can Dr Colwill be instructed on cases related to serious traumatic brain injury?

No, Dr Colwill does not cover anything that involves serious traumatic brain injury, or neuropsychiatry referrals relating to brain injury cases.

Can Dr Colwill be instructed on cases related to serious learning disabilities?

No, Dr Colwill does not cover any cases involving a serious learning disability (IQ below 79).

Can Dr Colwill be instructed on Criminal and Family cases?

No, Dr Colwill does not undertake Criminal or Family cases.

Does Dr Colwill have experience with amputations?

No, Dr Colwill does have previous experience with amputations.

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