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Dr Manjeet Raina

Consultant Neurodevelopment Paediatrician BBS, MRCPCH
Claimants and DefendantsCriminal CasesHome AppointmentsRemote AppointmentsFace to Face Appointments

Medico-Legal Experience

Dr Raina is a Consultant Neurodevelopmental Paediatrician with 3 years’ experience as an Expert Witness.

He holds the Cardiff University Bond Solon Civil Expert Witness Certification and has specialist expertise in the areas of cerebral palsy, neurorehabilitation and childhood epilepsy, brain injury and children safeguarding.

He is instructed by Claimants and Defendants on clinical negligence, personal injury, and criminal cases associated with:

  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Epilepsy
  • Post traumatic acquired brain injuries
  • Development delay
  • Autism
  • ADHD
  • Intellectual Disability
  • Sensory Impairments
  • Metabolic conditions
  • Neurorehabilitation
  • Neurodevelopmental Sequelae
    – Septic Encephalopathy
  • Paediatric brain injury
  • Learning disability
  • Childhood neurodisability conditions
  • Safeguarding of children
  • MD spasticity services:
    • Drugs management
    • Botox under ultrasound
    • Intrathecal Baclofen pump
  • Selective rhizotomy surgery
  • Developmental delay
  • Post-traumatic brain injury
  • Neuro-genetic disorders

Dr Raina’s waiting time for appointments is 4 weeks and his report turnaround time is 2-4 weeks.

Clinical Experience

Dr Raina is a dedicated Consultant Neuro-developmental Paediatrician. He currently holds a prominent position at Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Trust, where his expertise spans the domains of cerebral palsy, neuro-rehabilitation, childhood epilepsy, brain injury, and children’s safeguarding. Additionally, Dr. Raina serves as an honorary paediatrician in the Paediatric Neurology Department at Birmingham Children’s Hospital, contributing his skills on an ad hoc basis.

Dr Raina leads one of the largest multi-disciplinary spasticity management services for children in the West Midlands. Within this role, he manages drug regimens and conducts Botox injections under ultrasound guidance. He also conducts initial assessments to determine a child’s suitability for intra-thecal baclofen pump and/or selective dorsal rhizotomy surgery.

Dr Raina completed the General Medical Council-approved higher specialist training in Paediatrics and Neonatology, including a comprehensive sub-specialist training in paediatric neurology and neuro-developmental paediatrics over a decade from 2003 to 2013.

During his three years of sub-specialist Registrar training, he immersed himself in acute paediatric neurology and neuro-rehabilitation, gaining invaluable exposure to childhood neurological conditions. His regular neuro-developmental clinics at child development centres allowed him to care for children with Autism, ADHD, Epilepsy, sleep disorders, and developmental challenges stemming from underlying neurometabolic or neurogenetic conditions.

Dr Raina’s once-a-week attendance at tertiary paediatric neurology clinics at Birmingham Children’s Hospital afforded him a deep understanding of managing complex neurological conditions. His in-patient experience further equipped him with the necessary skills to handle acute neurological conditions, including intractable epilepsy syndromes, pre-surgical evaluation for epilepsy surgery, intra-cranial hypertension, traumatic brain injuries, CNS infections/auto-immune conditions, and acute neuropathies.

Dr Raina has enrolled in the British Paediatric Neurology Association’s Distance Learning Neurology course, completing several modules, including the Epilepsy module.

Dr Raina has also undertaken specialised training through the Paediatric Epilepsy Training (PET) courses, providing him with a comprehensive understanding of epilepsy in children.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will Dr Raina opine on cases relating to sexual abuse?

No, Dr Raina will not opine on cases relating to sexual abuse.

Does Dr Raina have any expertise with neuro-radiology?

No, he cannot opine on this.


Abstract Publications

  • MS Raina, SG Philip. Neonatal Guillain-Barre syndrome.
    Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, January 2013, vol./is. 55/(62-63), 0012-1622 (January 2013)
  • MS Raina, RP Singh. Status dystonicus in Cerebral palsy children.
    Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, January 2013, vol./is. 55/(31), 0012-1622 (January 2013)
  • MS Raina, E Wassmer. Tacrolimus induced Posterior reversible encepahalopathy syndrome.
    Arch Dis Child2012;97:A134-A135 doi:10.1136/archdischild-2012-301885.321

National/Regional Presentations

  • British paediatric Neurology annual conference, January 2014, Poster presentation MS Raina, S Agrawal. Triplication of PMP22 gene region associated with Charcot-Marie-Tooth-1A.
  • British paediatric Neurology annual conference, January 2014, Oral with poster presentation MS Raina, S Agrawal, SG Philip. Bilateral Middle cerebral artery territory infarction associated with sildenafil use in a child.
  • Regional Paediatric neurology forum, April 2012, Oral presentation.MS Raina, S Agrawal. Anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis and opsoclonus myoclonus
  • National Multiple sclerosis Frontiers annual conference, June 2011, Poster presentation. MS Raina, E Wassmer. Disease modifying drugs in Paediatric Multiple sclerosis-Patient preference.
  • Midlands Regional Paediatric society meeting, June 2010, Poster presentation. MS Raina, S Ellis, K Blake. Neonatal Lupus Erythematosus.

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