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Dr Santanu Acharya

Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynaecology MBBS, MD, FICOG, MSc, FRCOG
Claimants and DefendantsFace to Face Appointments18+ Patients

Medico-Legal Experience

Dr Santanu Acharya is a Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynaecology and an Expert Witness with a special interest in fertility. He has full accreditation from the Inspire Medilaw, recognised by the Royal College of Surgeons of England and full certification from Bond Solon accredited by the University of Aberdeen. He is a Fellow of the Faculty of Expert Witnesses (FEW), SpecialistInfo and on the panel of expert witnesses for Central Legal Office (CLO), Scotland. He is instructed by Claimants and Defendants on clinical negligence and personal injury cases.

Dr Acharya has extensive experience with cases associated with:

  • Benign gynaecology
  • Reproductive medicine
    • Complications due to IVF
    • Blocked fallopian tubes
    • Infertility
  • Early pregnancy complications
    • Ectopic pregnancy
    • Suspected miscarriage
    • Salpingectomy (removal of fallopian tube(s))
    • Emergency laparoscopic procedures relating to pregnancy
    • Unidentified blood loss
    • Placental abruption/detachment
  • Postnatal complications

Dr Acharya’s appointment availability is 2 weeks and his report turnaround time is 6-8 weeks.

University of Aberdeen Bond Solon Expert Witness Certificate

Clinical Experience

Dr Acharya is currently a Consultant Gynaecologist and Obstetrician at the University Hospital Crosshouse and Person Responsible for Ayrshire Fertility Unit. He carries out private consultations at Glasgow Centre for Reproductive Medicine.

He is an Honorary Clinical Associate Professor at the School of Medicine, University of Glasgow, a Performance Assessor in the Fitness to Practice Panel of the General Medical Council and panel members for the Disciplinary Removal and Reinstatement Committee, Standard Setting Committee of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. He is also the Convenor for International MRCOG courses.

Dr Acharya is currently the Research Champion for NHS Research Scotland Reproductive Health and Childbirth advisory group and is actively involved in many international multicentric research projects.


Book chapter:

1) Acharya S. Preimplantation Genetic Testing: An evidence based update: Recurrent pregnancy loss, Edited by M Arora and N Mukhopadhaya. Jaypee publications ISBN 978-93-5270-091-2

2) Acharya S. Kulkarni M, Bahadur G. ART and Viruses CMV, HTLV, Ebola, Zika, Covid-19. Artificial Reproductive Techniques & Viral infections. Edited by S Gupta & S Ghumman Ed 1 . Evangel publications. ISBN 9789390616060

Original articles:

  • Yoong T, Lensen S, Wilkinson J, Glanville EJ, Acharya S et al. Effect of endometrial scratching on unassisted conception for unexplained infertility: a randomised controlled trial. Fertil Steril. 2022
  • Glanville EJ, Wilkinson J, Sadler L, Wong TY, Acharya S et al. A Randomised Trial of Endometrial Scratching in Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome undergoing Ovulation Induction cycles. Published:October 24, 2021 Reproductive Bio Medicine Online. RBMO 2021, . DOI:
  • Bahadur G, Homburg R, Muneer A, Racich P, Jayaprakasan K, Acharya S, Jaauniaux E. Editorial : Global inequality in sub-fertility treatment needs safer, cost effective, evidence-based and economically viable choices for patients and stakeholders. JBRA Assisted Reproduction 2022; 26(1):01-02
  • Bahadur G, Bhat M, Acharya S, Huirne J, Yoong W, Janga D, Campbell B, Homburg R. Retrospective observational RT-PCR  analyses on  688 babies born to 843 SARS-CoV-2 positive mothers, placental analyses and diagnostic analyses limitations  suggest vertical transmission is possible. Facts Views Vis Obgyn, 2021, 13 (1): 53-66
  • Bahadur, G., Woodward, B., Carr, M., Acharya, S. , Muneer, A. and Homburg, R. IUI needs fairer appraisal to improve patient and stakeholder choices. JBRA Assist. Reprod. 2021; 25 (1):162-164 (DOI: 10.5935/1518-0557.20200066) (PMID:33118714)
  • Bahadur G, Acharya S, Muneer A, Huirne J, Łukaszuk M, Doreski PA, Homburg R. SARS-CoV-2: diagnostic and design conundrums, and the male factor infertility. Reproductive Bio Medicine Online. RBMO 2020, 41 (3) 365-369. (doi: 10.1016/j.rbmo.2020.05.014).
  • Horne, A. W. et al. (2020) Gabapentin for chronic pelvic pain in women (GaPP2): a multicentre, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Lancet, 396(10255), pp. 909-917. (doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(20)31693-7) (PMID:32979978) (PMCID:PMC7527829)
  • Bahadur G, Homburg R, Yoong W, Singh C, Kotabagi P, Bhat M, Acharya S, Huirne J, Pablo P, Łukaszuk M, Muneer A. Adverse outcomes in SAR-CoV-2 (COVID-19) and SARS virus related pregnancies with probable vertical transmission. JBRA Assist. Reprod. 2020; 24 (3):351-357
  • Acharya S, Bryant L, Twiddy M. Altruism or obligation? The motivations and experience of women who donate oocytes to known recipients in assisted conception treatment: an interpretative phenomenological analysis study, Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology, 2017: 38 (1), 4-11. DOI: 10.1080/0167482X.2016.1233171
  • Brewer CJ, Acharya S, Thake F, Tang T, Balen AH. Effect of metformin taken in the ‘fresh’ invitro fertilization/intracytoplasmic sperm injection cycle upon subsequent frozen embryo replacement in women with polycystic ovary syndrome; Human Fertility, 2010: 13 (3), 134-142. This presentation was awarded the Young Clinician Award to CJ Brewer and subsequently presented in the Australian Fertility Society Annual meeting, Adelaide.
  • Acharya S, Yasmin E, Balen AH. The use of a combination of pentoxifylline and tocopherol in women with a thin endometrium undergoing assisted conception therapies – a report of 20 cases; Human Fertility, 2009: 12 (4), 198-203
  • Acharya S, Barraclough J, Mohammed I, Oxby C, Parapia L, Jones S, O’Donovan P. The usefulness of the Platelet Function Analyser ( PFA-100) in screening for underlying bleeding disorders in women with menorrhagia; Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 2008: 28 (3), 243-246
  • Shetty A, Acharya S, Livingstone I, Rice P, Danielian P, Templeton A randomized comparison of oral misoprostol and vaginal prostaglandin E2 in labour induction at term; BJOG 2004: 111 (5), 436-440
  • Shetty A, Acharya S, Livingstone I, Templeton Vaginal Prostaglandin Etablets versus gel in the induction of labour at term: a retrospective analysis; Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 2004: 24 (3), 243-246
  • Shetty A, Acharya S, Livingstone I, Rice P, Danielian P, Templeton Oral misoprostol (100μg) versus vaginal misoprostol (25μg) in term labor induction: a randomized comparison; Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2003: 82 (12), 1103-1106

Case reports:

  • Sasitharan S, Acharya S (2022) Severe Early Onset Pre-eclampsia (PET) / HELLP Syndrome Before the age of Viability. Med J Obstet Gynecol 10(2): 1161.
  • Kaushik S, Acharya S (2021) A rare case of cervical endometriosis presenting with profuse vaginal bleeding during an embryo transfer cycle: A case report. J Med Case Rep Case Series 2(19):
  • Bhat M, Acharya S, Agur W. Vesico-vaginal fistula presenting as the overactive bladder in a case of gellhorn pessary for vault prolapse. BMJ Case reports
  • Bhat M, Acharya S. Transient cortical blindness at delivery – an unusual presentation of Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome. European Journal of Medical Case Reports. Volume 5(10):283–286
  • Godsman H, Anderson S, Acharya S, Konamme S. A case series of four caesarean section scar ectopics. 2020. (in press)
  • Acharya S, Chakravorty S, Rae D. Post-menopausal alopecia due to ovarian hyperandrogenaemia treated with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy. Journal of South Asian Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 12(3), pp. 182-183.
  • Shetty A, Fishwick C, Rambani, Acharya S. An unusual case of post-traumatic endometriosis involving the sciatic nerve in the right greater sciatic notch; Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 2010: 30 (6), 642
  • Shetty A, Anwar S, Acharya S. Aplastic anaemia in pregnancy; Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 2011: 31 (1), 77
  • Acharya S, Ahmed S. A case of pregnancy with Rhesus antibody and bicornuate uterus – a favourable outcome: A case report Cases Journal 2010: 3, 50
  • Oxby C, Jones S, Acharya S. Perforation of the bowel from intrauterine contraceptive devices: case series and discussion Gynecol Surg 2006: 3, 215-217
  • Acharya S, Samtaney N. Recurrent failure of Mirena Intrauterine System (IUS) within two years of insertion in the same woman with the same device. Internet Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 2005: Vol. 6 1
  • Acharya S, Pringle S. A case of placental chorioangioma with the review of literature. Internet Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology December 2004: Vol. 5 1
  • Acharya S, Barnick C. Retained pregnancy for five years in a rudimentary uterine horn;  Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2003: 82,387-388
  • Acharya S et al. A case of Acromegaly with twin Pregnancy and successful outcome. J Obstet Gynaecol Ind 2001: 51,127


  • Bahadur G, Homburg R, Govind A, Acharya S et al. Non-donor IVF treatment cycles in the UK need to be re-evaluated against the 1.625 million oocytes retrieved. Published abstract book ESHRE 2021. Human Reproduction, Suppl,Volume 36, Suppl July 2021, Page i39 (O-106)
  • Ragi S, Acharya SHSG in assessing tubal patency: experience at a district general hospital. – Published in the abstract book of RCOG World Congress, June 2016 at Birmingham
  • Ahmed S, Acharya SLaparoscopy for chronic pelvic pain-a prospective audit. National Trainees Conference, 10–11 December 2015, London. BJOG, Suppl, 2015, Page 62 (P-0269)
  • Adam C, Noble C, Gibson N, Paterson C, Acharya S, Mitchell P. Gaudoin, Fleming R. The category of embryo potential afforded by the automated time-lapse enabled EEVA TM Test is strongly associated with the speed embryo development. 31st Annual meeting of European Society for Reproduction & Embryology, Lisbon, 2015. Human Reproduction, Volume 30 (Suppl 1), 2015, Page 250 (P-303)
  • Pandravada A, Acharya S, Rae D. Documentation in laparoscopic surgery. European Society of Gynaegological Endoscopy, London, 2011. Gynecol Surg, Volume 8 (Suppl 1), 2011, Page S66
  • Brewer CJ, Acharya S, Thake F, Tang T, Balen AH. Effect of metformin taken in the ‘fresh’ IVF/ICSI cycle upon subsequent frozen embryo replacement in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. British Fertility Society (BFS) Annual Meeting, Bristol, 2010. Human Fertility, 1742-8149, Volume 13, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 52-54; This presentation was awarded the Young Clinician Award to CJ Brewer and subsequently presented in the Australian Fertility Society Annual meeting, Adelaide.
  • Acharya S, Yasmin E, Balen A. The use of combined Pentoxifylline and Tocopherol in women with thin endometrium in assisted conception : a report of twenty cases – abstract book of the Fertility 2009 – The 6th biannual conference of the UK Fertility Societies: the Association of Clinical Embryologists (ACE), the British Fertility Society (BFS) and the Society for Reproduction & Fertility (SRF), 7-9 January 2009, Edinburgh. Human Fertility, 1742-8149, Volume 12, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 215
  • Thake F, Medlock R, Acharya S, Tang T, Rutherford A, Balen A. An audit on the pregnancy outcome in subsequent cycles among the poor responders in IVF/ICSI treatment – abstract book of the Fertility 2009 –British Fertility Society Conference, January, 2009 at Edinburgh Human Fertility, 1742-8149, Volume 12, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 217
  • Acharya S, Jagadeesan P, Balen A, Rutherford A. Survey on laparoscopic entry techniques in Leeds teaching hospitals – abstract book of the SpROGS, June, 2008 at York
  • Shetty A, Acharya S, Livingstone I, Rice P, Danielian P, Templeton A Oral misoprostol (100μg) versus vaginal misoprostol (25μg) in the term labor induction: a randomized comparison Annual Meeting of the Northern Obstetrical & Gynaecological Society of Scotland Professional Development Unit, Dr Gray’s Hospital, Elgin, 13 June 2003; Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 2004: 24 (1), 104-110
  • Shetty A, Acharya S, Livingstone I, Rice P, Danielian P, Templeton Oral misoprostol vs. vaginal PGE2 in the term labor induction : a randomized comparison – Abstracts presented at a joint meeting of the Blair Bell and Munro-Kerr Research Societies, 4-5 June,2003 at Glasgow Royal Infirmary BJOG 2003: 110 (10), 958-963
  • Acharya S, Marimuthu V, Yuen P, DeBono M. Audit on the Appropriateness of referral to the Direct Access Programmed Hysteroscopy (DAPH) – abstract book of the The Annual Scientific Meeting of the British Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy, May, 2007 at Birmingham
  • Acharya S, Sundar J, Zachari A, Samtaney N. Effectiveness of laparoscopic uterosacral nerve ablation (LUNA) in treating chronic pelvic pain – nine years experience at Airedale General Hospital – abstract book of The Annual Scientific Meeting of the British Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy, May, 2006 at Sheffield
  • Acharya S, Marimuthu V, Yuen P, DeBono M. Audit on the Appropriateness of referral to the Direct Access Programmed Hysteroscopy (DAPH) – abstract book of the 31st British Congress of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, July, 2007 at London
  • Acharya S, Barraclough J, Mohammed I, Oxby C, Parapia L, O’Donovan P. Oral presentation on Screening for underlying bleeding disorders in patients with menorrhagia by platelet function analyser (PFA-100) – abstract book of 14th Annual Congress of the International Society for Gynaecologic Endoscopy, April, 2005 at London

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Thesis work:

MSc Dissertation : I undertook a qualitative research project on the ‘Attitudes, motivation and experience of egg donors in assisted conception – An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis’ leading to the award of the MSc in Health Research with the University of Leeds.  This dissertation was awarded Distinction marks.

MD Thesis : I completed a thesis on the Outcome of Pregnancy with Intra Uterine Growth Retardation for MD (O&G) Calcutta University. Awarded the Gold Medal for the best thesis in 1998.

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