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Dr Sudhir Sethi

Consultant Paediatrician MBBS, MD, MRCP, FRCPCH, MPH, DipIBLM
Claimants and DefendantsRemote AppointmentsDesktop Reports

Medico-Legal Experience

Dr Sethi is a highly competent and reliable Medicolegal Professional and Expert Witness with over 20 years’ experience. He has produced expert reports and Court evidence, primarily in a Family Law setting. Covers Family Law, Care Proceedings, Criminal Law, Personal Injury and Insurance. He has a special interest in Child Protection and Child Health areas, including Head Injury, Child Sexual Abuse, Shaken Baby Syndrome and Fabricated & Induced Illness.

He is a listed Expert of the National Crime Agency. Recognised by The Shaken Baby Foundation (USA) as a World Expert.

Dr Sethi has chaired and developed Guidelines/ Protocol for: Safeguarding Medical Assessment including CSA ( Child Sexual Abuse), FII – multiagency and single agency ( health), Sudden or Unexpected Death in Infancy and Childhood (SUDIC) – Multi-agency and single agency (health including A&E, ambulance & Primary care), Child Death Review (CDOP), Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) amongst others.

  • Child protection issues
  • Shaken baby syndrome (SBS)
  • Muchausen by Proxy – Factitious Disorder Imposed by Another (FDiA)
  • Physical/Emotional injury
  • Neglect
  • Head injury
  • Sexual abuse
  • Childhood disability
  • Sudden or Unexpected Death in Infancy and Childhood (SUDIC)
  • Multi-agency and single agency (health including A&E, ambulance & Primary care)
  • Child Death Review (CDOP)
  • Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

Dr Sudhir Sethi report turnaround time is 4-6 weeks.

Clinical Experience

Dr Sethi has experience of working as a lead in child protection in the UK as a Named Doctor and Designated Doctor for Child Protection respectively for almost 20 years. In the area child protection Dr Sethi has special interest in ‘Shaken Baby Syndrome’(SBS), a condition he believes is preventable. It is only through awareness and education this can be prevented. Shaken Baby foundation, USA has recognised Dr Sethi as a World Expert in SBS.

Dr Sudhir Sethi has been a Consultant Paediatrician for over 20years. He has special interests in Child Protection Issues, Child Health, Children’s Rights, International Child Health and Child Public Health. He completed his earlier training in India, and came to the UK after completing his MD in Paediatrics from the University of Bombay, India.

Dr Sethi has since completed his Masters in Public Health(MPH) from Nottingham University, UK in 2003. He is a Fellow of Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (FRCPCH), and an International Board Certified Lifestyle Surgeon (DipIBLM).

He has been involved in International Child Projects in Nepal, Palestine and India. Has worked in Balkans during the crisis working with Kosovan refugees and training child health professionals at the University of Sarajevo, Bosnia.

His special interests are in the areas of Lifestyle Medicine, Child Protection and, Children’s Rights, International Child Health and Child Public Health.

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