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Mr David Thomson

Consultant Plastic Surgeon MA (Oxon), BMBCh, PGDip, EurDipHandSurg, FRCS
Claimants and DefendantsRemote AppointmentsFace to Face Appointments18+ Patients

Medico-Legal Experience

Mr Thomson is a Consultant Plastic Surgeon with over 15 years clinical experience and as a medico legal expert, completing his first year, has undertaken cases relating to personal injury and clinical negligence (approx. 50 reports).

He is instructed on behalf of both the Claimant and Defendant and is happy to opine on causation, condition and prognosis, liability and breach of duty.

He is Bond Solon trained and has specialist interest in skin cancer, hand and aesthetics surgery.

He has a balanced ratio of 50/50 and takes a forensic, evidentiary approach to all of his reporting.

Mr Thomson has experience in cases associated with:

  • General plastics
  • Aesthetic surgery
  • Hand surgery
    – Hand fracture
    – Tendons
    – Glass cuts
    – Chainsaw injuries
    – Scaring
    – Burns
    – Garden accidents
    – Dog bites
  • Breast reconstruction
  • Skin cancer
    – Melanoma
  • Reconstructive surgery
  • Upper and lower limb reconstruction

Cardiff University Bond Solon Civil Expert Certificate

Mr Thomson’s availability is 2 weeks and has a report turnaround time of  2 weeks.

Clinical Experience

Mr Thomson is currently appointed as a Locum Consultant Plastic Surgeon at Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust.

Mr Thomson qualified in Medical Sciences, and obtained First Class Honours in 2010 with a BMBCh Medicine, receiving a distinction at the University of Oxford in 2013. He completed a Postgraduate Diploma in Medical Education at the University of Dundee and completed an 8 month fellowship in aesthetics and skin cancer surgery at the Melbourne Institute of Plastic Surgery in Australia.

This was closely followed by completing the European Diploma of Hand Surgery.

Mr Thomson has undertaken a wide range of management positions, with a particular focus on educational issues. One being the lead for plastic surgery within the departmental educational and governance programme.

Mr Thomson has a keen interest in teaching and has had formal training through completion of postgraduate diploma in medical education, this includes a module on the use of simulation for surgical training. This catapulted him to be the lead consultant for the departmental plastics teaching programme at Wrexham Park Hospital.

Mr Thomson has published 25 peer-reviewed publications, 14 of these as a first author. He has also given presentations on many expert topics, “The Surgical Management of Trigeminal Neuropathies” 14th International Facial Nerve Symposium, Seoul, South Korea (virtual congress).

Mr Thomson has multiple awards and prizes;

– £6,500, Imperial Healthcare Training Recovery Fund, St Mary’s microsurgery simulation laboratory

– £250, Plasta Fellowship Bursary

– McLaughlin Facial Palsy Prize, Queen Victoria Hospital

– Kelsey Fry Prize Viva in head & neck oncology, Queen Victoria Hospital

– £1,000, Needlemaker’s company bursary, Royal College of Surgeons of England

– Best Quality Improved Project Prize, South Thames Surgical Training Regional Meeting

– £500, Richard Mills Bursary, Doctors Academy, Cardiff MRCS OSCE Course

– Doctors Academy Bursary, RCSEd Future Surgeons; Key Skills Course

– £500, BAPRAS student elective bursary


  • Thomson DR, Berlinski NG, Gibson E, Ritz M. Ultrasound to detect flipped breast implants: A novel use for the base plate. Aesthetic Surgery Journal, 2024 (ePub ahead of print)
  • Christopoulos G, Thomson DR, Jones ME. A useful technique for templating the reverse radial forearm flap (RFF) for thumb degloving injuries. Plastic Surgery 2024;32(1):153-157.
  • Thomson DR, Lashansky B, Ritz M. Peri-operative management of Ozempic and other GLP-1 agonists during cosmetic surgery: What plastic surgeons need to know. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg, 2023;87:213-214.
  • Thomson DR, Ritz M. New Australian laws regarding advertising of cosmetic surgery: An instant challenge to many plastic surgeons. Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, 2023; ePub ahead of print.
  • Misky A, Thomson DR, Jain A. Bizarre parosteal osteochondromatous proliferation (Nora’s lesion) of the hand: Management of a rare clinical entity. BMJ Case Reports, 2023;16(5):e253361.
  • Citron I, Thomson DR,… Nduka C. Descriptive study of facial motor contractions during voluntary facial movement in a healthy population: a new hypothesis leading to synkinesis. Facial Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Medicine, 2023;25(3):244-249.
  • Thomson DR, Khoury A, Jones ME. Hand trauma Aetiology and Anaesthesia during the first UK lockdown: Lessons for pandemic planning. Hand and Microsurgery, 2022;11(1):65-66.
  • Christopoulos G, Thomson DR, Jones ME. A useful technique for templating the reverse radial forearm flap (RFF) for thumb degloving injuries. Plastic Surgery 2022 March 30.
  • Thomson DR, Songtum S, Mehdi SY. The modified posterior arm flap for axillary hidradenitis suppurativa. Ann Plast Surg, 2022;88(1):84-87.
  • Khan AJ, … Thomson DR, … Nduka C. Physical therapy for facial nerve paralysis (Bell’s palsy): An updated and extended systematic review of the evidence for facial exercise therapy. Clin Rehabil. 2022;36(11):1424-1449.
  • Barea A… Thomson DR, Soldin M. Five-year basal cell carcinoma recurrence rates treated with curettage and cautery, a single centre retrospective cohort study. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg, 2021;74(8):1931-1971.
  • Thomson DR, Jones ME. Microsurgical training during pre- and post- COVID 19: Is there a relearning curve and lessons for lockdown three. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg, 2021;74(8):1931-1971.
  • Thomson DR,…Kannan, RY. The surgical management of extra-cranial trigeminal neuropathies. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg, 2021;74(9):2258-2264.
  • Trevatt AET, …Thomson DR, … A comparison of the academic impact of plastic surgery units in the United Kingdom and Ireland using bibliometric analysis. J Plast Surg Hand Surg. 2019, 53(2); 97104.
  • Rahman S, Cooper, L, Thomson DR, Soldin M. Quantifying the burden of litigation in UK plastic surgery: A national survey. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2019, 72(8), 1436-1447.
  • Thomson DR, Cooper L, King ICC, Odili J, Powell BWEM. Surgical Cost Implications of the AJCC v8 staging system for melanoma and the melanoma in focus consensus statement. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2019, 72(10); 1700-1738.
  • Dinnes J, …Thomson DR, … Cochrane Skin Cancer Diagnostic Test Accuracy Group. Visual Inspection for diagnosing cutaneous melanoma in adults. Cochrane Database Sys Reviews. 2018; 12:CD013194. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD013194.
  • Dinnes J, …Thomson DR, … Cochrane Skin Cancer Diagnostic Test Accuracy Group. Dermoscopy, with and without visual inspection, for diagnosing melanoma in adults. Cochrane Database Sys Reviews. 2018;12:CD011902. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD011902.pub2.
  • Thomson DR, Rughani MG, Kuo R, Cassell OCS. Sentinel node biopsy status is strongly predictive of survival in cutaneous melanoma: Extended follow-up of Oxford patients from 1998 to 2014. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2017;70(10):1397-1403.
  • Thomson DR, Trevatt AE, Furniss D. When should axillary drains be removed? A meta-analysis of time-limited versus volume-controlled strategies for timing of drain removal following axillary lymphadenectomy. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2016; 69:(12);1614-1620.
  • Thomson DR, Baldwin MJ, Bellini MI, Silva MA. Improving the quality of operative notes for laparoscopic cholecystectomy: Assessing the impact of a standardized operation note proforma. Int J Surg. 2016;27:17-20.
  • Thomson DR, Allin B, Long AM, Bradnock T, Walker G, Knight M. Laparoscopic assistance for primary transanal pull-through in Hirschsprung’s disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Open. 2015;24;5(3)
  • Thomson DR, Sadideen H, Furniss D, Wound drainage following groin dissection for malignant disease in adults. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2014 Nov 11;11:CD010933. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD010933.pub2.
  • Thomson DR, Sadideen H, Furniss D, Wound drainage after axillary dissection for carcinoma of the breast. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2013 Oct 20;10:CD006823. DOI: 10.1002/14651858. CD006823.pub2.
  • Sadideen H, Thomson DR et al. Carotid endarterectomy in the elderly: Risk factors, intra-operative carotid haemodynamics and short term complications; a UK tertiary centre retrospective analysis. 2013;21(5):273-77.
  • Kelley TA, Thomson DR, Furniss D. When should axillary drains be removed post axillary dissection? A systematic review of randomised control trials. Surg Oncol. 2012;21(4):247-51.

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