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Mr Ian James MacKendrick

Fellow and Chartered Financial Planner FPFS, CFP, LLAA, NEWA
Claimants and DefendantsRemote AppointmentsFace to Face Appointments

Medico-Legal Experience

Mr Ian James MacKendrick has over 30 years’ experience as a Chartered Financial Planner and an experienced Expert Witness.

Having been involved in hundreds of cases, acting for the Claimant, Defendant and as a joint expert, Ian has significant experience in providing expert reports of the highest standard on pension loss, financial accommodation (Post RvJ), cost of financial advice, advising on the suitability of retaining funds outside of the CFO, periodical payments and the financial structure of damages awards.

Mr MacKendrick has experience in cases relating to:

  • Pension Loss
  • Loss of Earnings
  • Accommodation (Post RvJ)
  • Cost of Financial Advice
  • Periodical Payments / PPO / Form of Award Reports
  • Damages Calculations and Settlement Assessment Reports
  • Fatal Accidents; Loss of Dependency; Lost Years Claims
  • Financial Modelling/Planning
  • Investment Performance Management
  • Wealth Management
  • Cashflow Analysis for Court approval

Mr MacKendrick provides a service where he can check your calculations and offer a viability check at no cost. Please get in touch for more information.

Mr MacKendrick has a report turnaround time of 4 weeks.

Financial Experience

Mr MacKendrick is regularly invited to lecture and provide training to the OPG, charities, case managers, law firms, barristers and their supporting bodies, such as APIL, BABICM and PIBA.

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