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Mr Neil Roberts

Consultant in Cardiothoracic Surgery MB, ChB, MRCS, MD, FRCS
Claimants and DefendantsCriminal CasesRemote AppointmentsFace to Face Appointments18+ Patients

Medico-Legal Experience

Mr Neil Roberts is a Consultant in Cardiothoracic Surgery and an Expert Witness with over 7 years of experience. He has completed Bond Solon training and is instructed by Claimants and Defendants.

Mr Roberts is instructed in cases relating to personal injury, clinical negligence, tribunal, Coroner’s Court and criminal cases.

Mr Roberts has extensive experience with cases associated with:

Clinical negligence relating to:

  • Aspects of breach of duty and causation in cardiac surgery
    Examples include evaluating complex cardiac surgery and making it understandable for the solicitor, e.g.:

    • Valve surgery where the sizing has been incorrect and adverse outcomes occurred
    • Intra operative complications and whether these were managed suitably or not
    • Was endocarditis (infection of heart valves) diagnosed correctly and what would have been the outcome had the correct diagnosis been made earlier?
  • Aortic dissection
    Including missed diagnosis and complex causation cases, i.e. did the missed diagnosis actually have a causative effect? Neil has reported on multiple cases in this regard.
  • Pre-intervention decision making in cardiology and cardiac intervention
    E.g. should cardiac surgery have been considered before stent placement?
  • Consent issues
  • Clinical governance, surgical safety standards, WHO checklist compliance
  • Serious incidents and Datix incident investigations and processes
  • All other aspects of adult cardiothoracic surgery
  • MDT related issues, according to current best practice

Neil has extensive experience of helping prepare cases via case conference with counsel, helping to prepare draft letters of claim or letters of response.

Neil also has experience of leading expert meetings as cases progress, as well as writing these meetings up.

Personal injury relating to:

  • Aspects of current condition and prognosis
    Neil performs a remote consultation first, then arranges local imaging to objectively evaluate the long-term consequence of injuries. A face-to-face consultation is then arranged only if required. This allows for cost savings and availability to a wide geographical area.
  • Chest trauma, sternal fractures and rib fractures, and their long-term consequences
  • Aortic dissection as a result of blunt chest trauma and the long-term implications
  • Cardiac damage due to index incident
  • Suspected myocardial infarction due to index incident

Mr Roberts’s availability is 3-4 weeks and has a report turnaround time of 3-4 weeks.

Clinical Experience

Mr Roberts is currently a substantive cardiothoracic consultant with over 10 years of consultant practice, working within the NHS and privately and has performed more than 1,500 open-heart operations. He passed the FRCS (C-Th) during his fourth year of training in 2008, winning the McCormack Medal for the highest score in the UK and Ireland for that year.

Mr Roberts is also a teacher and trainer, being a faculty member for a number of national and international courses. He was elected as postgraduate Dean by the Society for Cardiothoracic Surgery in 2019 and a full College of Surgeons Examiner for the FRCS (C-Th). He was also Clinical Governance Lead for cardiac surgery at Bart’s Heart Centre for over four years.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Mr Roberts assist on vascular cases?

No, Mr Roberts cannot assist with this.

Can Mr Roberts assist on cases related to Cardiothoracic Anesthesia?

No, Mr Roberts cannot assist with this.


  • Roberts N, Ghosh S, Boehm M, Galinanes M. The radial hyperaemic response- a new and objective assessment of ulnar collateral supply to the hand. Eur J Cardio-Thoracic Surg 2002;21(3):549-552.
  • Ghosh S, Roberts N, Firmin RK, Jameson J, Spyt TJ. Risk factors for intestinal ischaemia in cardiac surgical patients. Eur J Cardio-Thoracic Surg 2002; 21(3):411-416
  • Roberts N, Westrope C, Pooboni SK, Mulla H Peek GJ, Sosnowski AW, Firmin RK. Veno-venous ECMO for respiratory failure in inotrope dependent neonates. ASAIO J 2003; 49(5):568-71
  • Pooboni SK, Roberts N, Westrope C, Killer HM, Pandya HC, Firmin RK. Extra-Corporeal life support in pertussis. Paediatric Pulmanology 2003;36(4):310-5.
  • Westrope C, Roberts N, Nichani S, Hunt C, Peek GJ, Firmin R. Experience with mobile inhaled nitric oxide during transport of neonates and children with respiratory insufficiency to an extracorporeal membrane oxygenation centre. Pediatr Crit Care Med 2004;5(6): 542-6
  • Ranasinghe A, Peek GJ, Roberts N, Chin D, Killer H, Sosnowski A, Firmin RK. The use of transesophageal echocardiography to demonstrate obstruction of venous drainage cannula during ECMO. ASAIO J 2004;50(6):619-620.
  • Khoshbin E, Roberts N, Harvey C, Machin D, Killer H, Peek GJ, Sosnowski AW, Firmin RK. Poly-methyl pentene oxygenators have improved gas exchange capability and reduced transfusion requirements in adult extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. ASAIO J. 2005; 51(3) 281-7.
  • Griffiths J, Roberts N. Do junior doctors know where to insert chest drains safely? Post Grad Med J. 2005; 81 456-458.
  • Roberts N, Jahangiri M, Xu Q. Progenitor cells in vascular disease. J. Cell. Mol.Med. 2005;9:583-91
  • Cordell-Smith JA, Roberts N, Peek GJ, Firmin RK. Traumatic lung injury treated by extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO). Injury. 2006 37(1); 29-32
  • Roberts N, Matuszewski MJ, Morgan-Hughes NJ, Wilkinson GAL. Shelhigh No-React Pulmonic Valved conduit for Pulmonary Valve Endocarditis. Asian Cardiovasc Thorac Ann. Jan 2007; 15 (1) e14-e15.
  • Wilton E, Roberts N, Bunce N, Jahangiri M. Saccular aneurysm of the left sinus of Valsalva in a Freestyle((R)) bioprosthesis. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2006. 29(4);608
  • Roberts N, Boehm M, Bates M, Braildey PC, Cooper GJ, Spyt TJ. Two centre randomised control trial of Blake drains versus Portex drains following cardiac surgery. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2006 ; 132(5) 1042-6
  • Mayr M, Yusuf S, Weir G, Chung YL, Mayr U, Yin X, Ladroue C, Madhu B, Roberts N, De Souza A, Fredericks S, Stubbs M, Griffiths JR, Jahangiri M, Xu Q, Camm AJ. Combined metabolomic and proteomic analysis of human atrial fibrillation. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2008 Feb 5; 51(5) 585-9

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