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Mr Nadir Osman

Consultant Urological Surgeon MBChB(Hons), PhD FRCS(Urol)
Claimants and DefendantsHome AppointmentsRemote AppointmentsFace to Face Appointments16+ Patients

Medico-Legal Experience

Mr Nadir Osman is a Consultant Urological Surgeon and trained Expert Witness with Bond Solon training. He is instructed by Claimants and Defendants in clinical negligence and personal injury cases. He also regularly acts as an Investigator in clinical trials for lower urinary tract disorders.

Mr Osman has extensive experience in assessing and preparing reports associated with:

Personal injury relating to:

  • Bladder/urethral injury after pelvic trauma
  • Urological consequences of spinal cord injury/pelvic fracture
  • Bladder problems related to incomplete cord injury
  • Scrotal/testicular injury (RTA/bike)
  • Scrotal degloving
  • Urethral injury following pelvic fracture
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • TBI (Traumatic brain injury)/FND (Functional neurological disorder) related:
    • Bladder dysfunction
    • Overactive bladder
    • Bladder botox injections
    • Continence needs

Clinical negligence relating to:

  • Urethral injury due to catheterisation/surgery
  • Vesico-vaginal fistula due to surgery
  • Ureteric or bladder injury due to hysterectomy/caesarean section
  • Incontinence surgery
  • Urological consequences of cauda equina syndrome
  • Circumcision related problems
  • Missed testicular torsion
  • Vasectomy
  • Benign prostate surgery
  • Vaginal mesh erosion into urinary tract (urethra and bladder)
  • Bladder overdistention

Industrial disease relating to:

  • Occupational bladder cancer

Mr Osman’s appointment availability is 2-4 weeks and has a report turnaround time of 4-6 weeks.

Clinical Experience

Mr Osman is currently a Consultant Urological Surgeon with a specialist interest in reconstructive urology at Sheffield Teaching Hospital. He completed his medical studies at the University of Liverpool graduating with honours and undertook specialist training in urology in Merseyside and Yorkshire between 2010 and 2018. The last 2 years of his training were exclusively in reconstruction, this was followed by focused training in vaginal reconstruction. Furthermore, he has undertaken research into tissue engineering for pelvic floor disorders leading to the award of a PhD (2014).

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Mr Osman comment on pelvic floor muscles with poor bladder control?

Yes, he is happy to take on these cases.

We have had an inquiry for a genitourinary surgeon, is this something that Mr Osman could help with?

Yes, he is able to take on these cases.

Can Mr Osman assist with paediatric urology cases?

He does some work on re-operative hypospadias surgery in children aged 13-16.

Can Mr Osman comment on urinary/weak bladder symptoms as a result of delayed surgery/trauma?

Yes, Mr Osman is happy to assist.

Has Mr Osman given verbal evidence in Court?

Yes, Mr Osman has given oral evidence in Coroners Court (witness to fact).

Does Mr Osman undertake Criminal cases?

No, Mr Osman does not currently do Criminal cases.

Can Mr Osman comment on UTIs developed from sex work?

Yes, Mr Osman can assist with this.

Can Mr Osman assist with a case involving blood clots in bladder, bladder washout, perforation and repair.

Yes, Mr Osman can assist.

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Claremont Hospital

Sheffield, S10 5UB

Thornbury Hospital

Sheffield, S10 3BR

Kinvara Hospital

Rotherham, S65 2AS

10 Harley Street

London, W1G 9PF

Chamberlain Clinic

Birmingham, B15 3HG

1 Litfield Place

Bristol, BS8 3LS

DRG Clinic

Doncaster, DN1 1BL

Calderbank Medical Chambers

Manchester, M20 3QD

Tees Hospital

Stockton on Tees, TS20 1PX

Northern Integrative Health Practice

Durham, DH7 6FE

Rushcliffe Physiotherapy Clinic

Nottingham, NG11 6DT

47 Rodney Street

Liverpool, L1 9EW

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