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Expert Witness Experience

Dr David Aviram is a Structural Engineer with experience in aerospace, civil, marine and offshore industries. He has attended Bond Solon training and is instructed by Claimants and Defendants on maritime and engineering cases. 

Dr Aviram has worked on and provided court testimonies on the following:

  • Rudder-stock bending (‘Standard Vigor’)
  • Hull puncture by the anchor (Athos-1,’ Delaware River, Philadelphia, US)
  • Total loss  (‘Prestige’, Bay of Biscay)
  • Salvage FE analysis (‘New-Flame’-Mediterranean)
  • Structural integrity (Marine Bulk-Carrier ‘SAGA’)

Maritime and Engineering Experience

Dr Aviram has over 22 years’ experience as a Structural Engineer and currently works at Geodome Ltd, a company he founded in Kingston-upon-Thames. He continues to develop new innovative solutions some of which include the Wimbledon Centre Court moving roof, modular dome construction, maritime accident investigation and offshore wind turbine foundations. 

He specialises in finite element analysis (implicit and explicit) and computational fluid dynamics simulations. He is a Member of the Institution of Structural Engineers (MIStructE).

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